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Statement on Behalf of Citizens Union From Randy Mastro, Citizens Union’s Chair

June 1, 2020 - Citizens Union has issued the following statement from Board Chair Randy Mastro: As our country lurches from one crisis to the next, New York once again finds itself on high alert. And our country once again finds itself lacking the leadership and empathy we so desperately need from our federal government.

Statement of Randy Mastro, Chair of Citizens Union

February 19, 2020 - A cornerstone of our republic has always been a justice system committed to fairness, honesty and integrity. The rule of law is only as strong as the dedicated men and women who enforce it on our behalf in the U.S. Justice Department. But now, their work is under political attack by a President who thinks it appropriate to call for the prosecution of his political enemies and the protection of his political allies. If we are to keep our republic, this latest affront to our democracy cannot go unchecked and unchallenged. 

Statement from Randy Mastro, Chair of Citizens Union

October 4, 2019 - For the past 125 years, Citizens Union has sounded a clarion call for good government in New York, holding state and local officials accountable for their actions. But of late, we have also had to speak up for the first time in our history about events unfolding in Washington that are so troubling they compel people of conscience to call them out. Sadly, now is once again such a time.

Statement from Citizens Union Executive Director Betsy Gotbaum on the Passing of Former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau

July 23, 2019 - Last night, New York lost a brilliant public servant and legal mind. For over four decades, first as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York and then as Manhattan's long-serving District Attorney, Bob worked tirelessly to make New York a safer and fairer place for all. He was relentless and fearless, taking on corporate greed, organized crime and crooked politicians in the pursuit of justice.

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