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Appoint the Next Attorney General Outside of the Political Clubhouse

May 8, 2018 - As New York now once again faces a vacancy in the office of a top statewide elected official, Citizens Union urges the New York State Legislature to appoint an independent, professional and respected lawyer to become New York's Attorney General, with the law enforcement, government regulatory and litigation experience required to do the job.  Whoever is appointed should come from the top ranks of the legal community, not the political clubhouse.

Unjust and Ineffective

March 1, 2018 - Citizens Union has focused on holding our government accountable, read our report

Assure Independence

February 21, 2018 - Citizens Union believes pressure from the Mayor’s office for the Commission to pursue specific reforms on the New York City Charter, directly conflicts with the responsibilities of a Charter Revision Commission.

Citizens Union Welcomes New Executive Director

February 1, 2018 - Citizens Union is pleased to announce the arrival of its new Executive Director, Betsy Gotbaum, former New York City Public Advocate and longtime ally of good government.

Citizens Union Calls for Special Election Reform

January 5, 2018 - Citizens Union is pleased the needed special election to fill 11 seats in the State Legislature has been scheduled by Governor Cuomo.  We maintain that critical reforms need to be put into place, especially since special elections have the lowest voter turnout rates of any elections in New York. New Yorkers are both unable to participate in the process of nominating special election candidates and are not turning out to essentially ratify the choices of party leaders.

Spending in the Shadows Media Advisory

May 25th, 2017 - Citizens Union will announce the latest findings of the annual Spending in the Shadows report. This report illuminates $13 billion in nonspecific lump sum funding “pots” found in the New York FY 2018 Enacted Budget.

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