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2014 Primary Election Voters Directory

April 17, 2014 - On Tuesday September 9th, 2014 registered voters in New York will head to the polls for the Primary Election. Citizens Union's Voters Directory helps voters by providing a comprehensive overview of the 2014 party primary elections, including voting and registration information and listings of every contest for all races on the ballot.

Citizens Union Welcomes Decision by City Board of Elections to Make Ballot More Readable by Increasing Font Size

February 4, 2014 - Most New Yorkers will no longer have to squint or use a magnifying glass to read their election ballot when they vote. The City Board of Elections today voted to limit the number of required languages on voters’ ballots to three – down from as many as five in previous elections – paving the way for increasing the font size of candidates’ names and removing unnecessary clutter from the ballot.

Good Government & Civil Rights Groups In New York Oppose Lever Machines Returning New York State To The Past

May 22, 2013 - Good government groups issued this statement today voicing their strenuous opposition to S.4088-B (Golden/No Number Yet in the Assembly), a bill that would authorize the New York City Board of Elections (City Board) to use mechanical lever voting machines in and for any non-federal elections. The bill has passed the Senate and the Assembly is seriously considering a return to lever machines.

Citizens Union Announces Candidate Preferences In September Primary Elections

August 30, 2012 - Supports challengers to ethically challenged incumbents Shirley Huntley, Naomi Rivera, William Boyland, Jr., and Carmen Arroyo. Supports Barbara Jaffe for Manhattan surrogate. Issues preference for nine challengers, two incumbents; 19 Senate and 42 Assembly primaries in New York City are uncontested.
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