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As 2023 begins, we look to the year ahead and all the challenges and opportunities it presents for our city and state. 

We are proud to announce that we published an extensive report outlining the immense benefits of moving municipal elections to even-numbered years, and we call on New York City to make this change.

On the state level, the New York State Legislative Session kicked off this month. The State Senate has already passed a package of bills to reform our election administration system.  

This month also marked the start of the full term for the first elected female Governor in our state’s history. Additionally, the state’s new matching funds program has begun, with candidates able to raise matching funds from small-dollar donations. In the city, we look ahead this year to the City Council elections in June and the test of the new district lines. 
 You can read more about what we’ve been up to this month in this edition of The Reformer


Betsy Gotbaum

Executive Director, Citizens Union/Citizens Union Foundation



Citizens Union Publishes Report Calling on New York City to Move Municipal Elections to Even-Numbered Years

Citizens Union issued a report outlining the benefits of moving New York City’s municipal elections to even-numbered years. This move would bring elections for Mayor, Comptroller, Public Advocate, Borough Presidents, and City Council in line with gubernatorial or presidential elections. Consolidating municipal elections will boost voter turnout, giving more New Yorkers a say over who governs them at the local level.
Consolidating elections will also diversify the electorate, increasing turnout for communities of color and younger voters. The move would also save money and reduce voter fatigue.
You can read about our report in the Gothamist or read the full report here.


NYS Senate Passed Legislation to Reform New York’s Local Boards of Elections

This month the state Senate passed a package of legislation to reform the operations of New York’s local boards of elections by expanding voting rights and reforming our election system.

The bills passed by the senate represent an important step in improving New York’s broken election administration system. These bills build on the work the legislature has done in recent years to protect and expand the right to vote in our state. Better-trained election officials would serve voters across the state.

The package will bring transformational reform to the New York City Board of Elections, making the agency more professional, independent, and efficient. 


Beginning of State Matching Funds

For years, candidates for New York state offices were forced to focus on big-money fundraising. Not anymore. Candidates running for statewide or state legislative office can now opt-in for a new program that provides public matching funds based on small donations from residents of their district. Under this program, the state matches up to 12 times the amount of a donation depending on its size and the office. 

Matching small contributions with public funds enables more candidates from diverse backgrounds to run, fosters greater participation in the democratic process, and amplifies the voices of regular people and the issues they care about.  

In a state where big donors have dominated elections for decades, funding for a new statewide public campaign finance program is a needed investment in the voters. We call on the Governor, Majority Leader, and Speaker to fully fund the public campaign finance program in the upcoming budget.      


WBAI 99.5 FM
Betsy Gotbaum on Driving Forces
January 5, 2023
Gotham Gazette
Adams Consolidates City’s Civic Engagement Efforts Under New Office
January, 5 2023 

Report: NY can boost voter turnout with this single change
January 27, 2023 

The Village Sun
Opinion: To increase voter turnout, move municipal elections to even-numbered years
January 27, 2023 

Election Law Blog 
“Report: NY can boost voter turnout with this single change”
January 27, 2023 

Harlem World 
Citizens Union Calls To Move Municipal Elections To Even-Numbered Years
January 27, 2023 


City Council Passes New Disclosure Requirements for Spending to Influence Votes on Ballot Referendums
by Ethan Geringer-Sameth
State Senate Again Starts Legislative Session with Voting and Election Reforms
by Ethan Geringer-Sameth
Race Begins for New ‘Asian Opportunity’ Brooklyn City Council District
by Samar Khurshid
Max Politics Podcast: State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins on 2023 Priorities & More
by Gotham Gazette


Get Involved in New York’s Redistricting Process & Make YOUR voice heard!

The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission is holding public meetings throughout the state to gather feedback from the public in response to the maps they have released.
Hearings began at the end of January and will run through the end of February. We encourage you to find the hearing closest to you and let the commission know how important it is that New York State has a transparent, fair, and impartial redistricting process.

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