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The stalemate over the state budget continued deep into April, with the legislature and the governor deadlocked on several issues, before finally coming to an agreement.  Despite the general dysfunction of Albany, we’ve grown accustomed to having the budget passed on time. This delay will have an impact on the city’s budget process.

Amid budget negotiations, two new judges were appointed to the Court of Appeals and a proposal passed that we fear will politicize our state’s judicial system. You can read more about our efforts to defend the independence of New York’s top court in this edition of The Reformer.

We also have a date for our annual Gotham Greats Celebration! We look forward to seeing you on October 24 at the Metropolitan Club, and on May 9 for our Civic Conversation with Bradley Tusk.


Betsy Gotbaum
Executive Director, Citizens Union/Citizens Union Foundation




Court of Appeals Nomination Process 

After months without a Chief Judge for the New York Court of Appeals Chief Judge Rowan Wilson and Associate Judge Caitlin Halligan have been confirmed. 

The process was not without conflict. First, at the request of the Governor, the legislature proposed a last-minute program bill to change the method for appointing judges to the NYS Court of Appeals. This allows the Governor to select a sitting judge on the Court of Appeals for the top position of Chief Judge and then go back to the same list of finalists chosen by the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct to pick a different candidate as a nominee for Associate Judge.

This would heavily politicize a sensitive nomination process. Citizens Union led the charge to push back against this flawed proposal. Unfortunately, this bill was passed. You can read more in our full statement here

Attempts to change the nomination process to the Court of Appeals continued when Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said she was considering eliminating the Commission on Judicial Nomination. The Commission is an effective mechanism to ensure that the Governor’s nominees to the court are made on merit. Eliminating the commission would politicize the judiciary and erode the public’s faith in our court system. You can read more in our full statement here.


Police Accountability 

Last month, we testified before the New York City Council Committee on Public Safety in support of a bill (Intro. 0938-2023) that would require the New York City Police Department to provide the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) with direct, real-time connection to its body-worn camera footage servers. This would include, at minimum, the ability to access, search, and store the footage remotely. 

Citizens Union supports this legislation because it would expedite and improve the quality of investigations into police misconduct and wrongdoing, strengthening oversight and accountability of the NYPD. You can read more about our position in our memo in support of the bill here

(Not so) New Assembly Maps Are Out 

After months of public hearings and hundreds of testimonies, the Independent Redistricting Commission approved new Assembly district maps, which were promptly approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. The maps are strikingly similar to the districts drawn by the legislature last year. This suggests that the Commission drew the assembly maps to please lawmakers, who have the final say over the maps’ approval. 
Citizens Union issued a statement calling on the elimination of the Legislature’s veto power over district maps and, more broadly, for New York’s redistricting process to be independent of the state’s elected officials. 



Citizens Union Foundation Receives Grant from Pershing Square Foundation

Citizens Union Foundation has received an unrestricted grant from the Pershing Square Foundation to support ongoing activities. The $25,000 grant was received in response to a proposal submitted by CUF.  The Pershing Square Foundation supports exceptional leaders and innovative organizations that tackle important social issues.



Queens Chronicle 
Legislature approves IRC’s Assembly maps 
April 21, 2023

City & State
Andrea Stewart-Cousins Wants to Ax Commission on Judicial Nomination
April 13, 2023

Judge Pick Change
April 12, 2023
New York Law Journal
Don’t Jettison Commission on Judicial Nominations NY County Lawyers and Reform Group Say
April 12, 2023 

Albany Times Union 
Hochul announces chief judge, associate judge picks in deal that could face litigation
April 10, 2023

New York Daily News 
Key campaign player for NYC Mayor Adams raised reelection funds while taking money to lobby his office, sparking ethics concerns
April 9, 2023



Major Climate and Energy Policies Being Decided in State Budget Negotiations
by Samar Khurshid
Hochul, Legislature Look to Allocate $337 Million to Fight Gun Violence; Where’s It Going?
by Ethan Geringer-Sameth
The High Stakes of Hochul’s Housing Compact
by Samar Khurshid

Union Square ‘Tech Hub’ Set to Open in Coming Months After Covid Delays
by Kristian Burt

Max Politics Podcast: Senator Leroy Comrie on the MTA & More in State Budget Negotiations

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