December 17, 2018
Citizens Union, a leading good government group committed to reforming New York City and State government to foster accountability, accessibility, and transparency, issues the following statement on Governor Cuomo’s 2019 agenda.
“Citizens Union applauds Governor Cuomo for the pro-democracy proposals he outlined in his speech this morning, reforms that will greatly protect and expand New Yorkers’ right to vote. It is past the time that we address New York’s regressive voting laws that depress voter participation. The proposals the Governor discussed today, including automatic voter registration, combining state and federal primaries, and early voting, have boosted voter turnout in other states across the country. They are long overdue for New York. These reforms, along with the necessary changes to our campaign finance system proposed by the Governor, should enjoy strong support from legislators in both parties. We call on the legislature to move swiftly to pass legislation that will revitalize democracy here in New York State.”