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Citizens Union Calls on Vito Lopez to Resign

August 24, 2012 - Citizens Union is alarmed to read the detailed and sordid findings of the bipartisan Standing Committee of Ethics and Guidance that Assemblymember Vito Lopez of Brooklyn verbally, physically, and repeatedly harassed two Assembly employees, but is pleased by the swift and strong action taken today by the Assembly to censure him and remove him from his leadership post and benefits of seniority.

Citizens Union Calls Latfor Gerrymandered Maps The Inevitable Consequence Of A Politicized Process

February 2, 2012 - Draft maps manipulate population deviation to maximize majority power. Opportunity to elect districts falls short of creating a legislature reflecting the state's diversity. Good Government Group's testimony before LATFOR follows appearance in Albany criticizing LATFOR for unnecessarily dividing cities and counties and violating the state constitution's requirement for compact districts.

Citizens Union Calls For New Way On Redistricting Reform

September 21, 2011 - Urges state legislature to return to Albany for a special session to pass redistricting reform. New two-step proposal would involve acceptable reform in 2012 and constitutional amendment passage bringing about permanent reform.

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