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Citizens Union Proposes City Law To Regulate New Breed Of Elected Official Formed And Affiliated Nonprofit Organizations

July 6, 2016 - Good government organization calls upon mayor de blasio and council speaker mark-viverito to enact legislation requiring such nonprofits be subject to the jurisdiction of the city’s campaign finance board. Law would require groups to register, disclose activity, limit contribution size from those with business before the city, and forbid fundraising by elected official. Law needed to curb return of “pay-to-play” culture of corruption at city hall where big money poses threat to honest government decision-making. Good government group also releases letter sent to conflicts of interest board asking if recent declaration that certain specific mayoral consultants are “agents of the city” should they be required to file financial disclosure statements.

Citizens Union Requests Conflicts of Interest Board to Investigate Mayor de Blasio Appearance at A CWA Local 1182 Meeting in a Public School

December 2, 2014 - Citizens Union today sent a letter to the Conflicts of Interest Board (the “Board”) requesting an investigation into whether a meeting on July 14, 2014, attended by Mayor Bill de Blasio and sponsored by Local 1182 of the Communications Workers of America (“CWA”) at P.S. 66 in Brooklyn may have violated the conflicts of interest provisions of the New York City Charter.

Governor Cuomo Has A Lot Of Explaining To Do

July 23, 2014 - Citizens Union calls upon the Governor to hold news conference to explain administration’s reported interference with Moreland commission whose members were appointed deputy state attorneys general and told to investigate all matters of corruption. Commission was formed to fight corruption and restore public trust, but NY Times account helps Erode the Public’s Trust in government.

On NY Councilmember Ruben Wills Corruption Charges

May 7, 2014 - With the news that Councilmember Ruben Wills has been charged with twelve counts of criminal misconduct, the “drip drip” of political corruption continues unfortunately to flow in New York.
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