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Statement On Governor Cuomo’s Decision To Call For Low Turnout Special Elections To Fill Six Vacancies In State Assembly

July 1, 2011 - As New York’s leading civic reform organizations, we are disappointed in Governor Cuomo’s decision not to hold regular primaries and general elections this fall for six vacant State Assembly seats and instead issue proclamations to hold special elections for these seats on September 13th. We strongly disagree with this decision, which we believe will result in lower voter turnout, increased confusion at the polls and potentially higher costs to localities.

Citizens Union Report on Special Elections In New York City Convincingly Shows Voter Turnout is Greater in Nonpartisan Elections than Partisan Elections

August 2, 2010 - Good Government Group's study reveals turnout is 57 percent higher for City Council nonpartisan special elections than partisan contests for state legislative seats. Report shatters opponents' argument that voter turnout is similar for non partisan and partisan elections. Citizens Union calls on city charter to embrace a top-two election system and begin the process of giving greater voter choice to New Yorkers.

Campaign Finance Reform

Citizens Union is a leading advocate for campaign finance reform and has long been concerned about the undue influence of…

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