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New York, N.Y. (May 31, 2024) – Randy Mastro, Chair of Citizens Union, has issued the following statement on behalf of Citizens Union following the conviction of former President Donald Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records:

“A New York jury has spoken, and Donald Trump is guilty of all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. It has now become untenable for Trump, as a convicted felon, to serve in public office again in the face of this verdict and his potential incarceration in the near future.

For the good of the country, he should now withdraw from the Presidential race, and his political party should nominate someone else as its candidate in the general election.”

“Our democracy once again faces an existential crisis because of Donald Trump.  Whether he should go to jail will now be up to a court to decide in sentencing. But the one place he should not be going is the White House.”

Citizens Union does not generally comment or take positions on federal issues. However, in recent years, it has felt compelled to comment on specific federal issues that align with our mission to promote good government. Recent examples include but are not limited to the statements Citizens Union issued regarding former President Trump’s solicitation of foreign interference in our electionsimmigration border policies, and responses to COVID and racial injustice, and the Endorsement of Joe Biden for President in 2020.

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