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For Immediate Release

New York, N.Y. (July 15, 2024) – Randy Mastro, Chair of Citizens Union, has issued the following statement on behalf of the organization:

“The recent attempt on the life of a former President and current Presidential candidate is a shocking and reprehensible act of violence. Our democracy is built on the principles of peaceful discourse and the rule of law, and any act of violence against our leaders, past, present or future, is an attack on these fundamental values.

“Such violence has no place in our society. It undermines the very fabric of our democracy. It is therefore imperative that we come together as a nation to condemn such acts unequivocally. We live in a civil society in which our political discourse, while spirited, should also be civil. The stakes are high in this Presidential election year. A hallmark of our democracy is our right to express our political views, without fear of violence or reprisal. We should all now dedicate ourselves to forging a peaceful path forward that reflects our shared values, even when we disagree.”

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