Candidate Questionnaire
Age: 49
Occupation: Advocate, SEIU 1199
Education: William Paterson University (BA)
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Andy King is running for City Council because he believes that his district is in dire need of a strong leader who will foster greater community engagement. King ran for this council seat in 2009, but lost in the primary to Larry Seabrook whose departure related to a corruption conviction created this vacant seat. Since then, King returned to running his Bronx-based youth program, and was an advocate for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 1199. He agrees with many of Citizens Union’s reform agenda, but doesn’t have a position on a number of issues. If elected, King’s first priority would be to encourage youth involvement in the community by increasing the number of youth programs, and spending more on education. He would also aim to improve the relationship between police officers and youth by encouraging clearer channels of communication between them. King also vows to create partnerships between businesses and government, protect senior programs, establish healthcare education, and implement SAFE neighborhood initiatives. He believes that his lifelong commitment to serving his community sets him apart from his opponents. Citizens Union believes that as a councilmember, King would connect with his constituents, and represent them well in city government. His lack of knowledge on many reform issues, however, prevents him from earning our endorsement.

Candidate Questionnaire
Age: 55
Occupation: Supervisor of Caseworkers and Ordained Pastor/Reverend
Education: Touro College (BS); Master of Divinity (name of degree-granting institution not provided)
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Joseph Nwachukwu is running for City Council to restore his community. Nwachukwu would emphasize youth programs to provide more and better after school activity. He states that many of the district’s tensions can be traced to an above average crime rate, a problem he would ease through greater police presence, more surveillance, and increased civilian awareness. Mr. Nwachukwu says he supports Citizens Union’s reform agenda in its entirety, with particular emphasis on war chest restrictions, for he feels such fund balances give an unfair advantage to incumbents. Nwachukwu however did not display an in depth knowledge of the other reform issues he says he supports. For that reason, although Citizens Union feels Nwachukwu understands issues facing the community, he did not earn our endorsement.

Candidate Questionnaire
Age: 55
Occupation: Senior Policy Advisor for Congressman Jose Serrano
Education: JD and MS (degree-granting institutions not provided)
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Cheryl Simmons-Oliver is running for City Council because she believes that she is uniquely capable of building strong coalitions to tackle the economic, safety and housing problems that her district faces. She has worked as an economic advisor to Congressman Jose Serrano since 1993, and has considered running for public office before, but this is her first race. She supports most of Citizens Union’s reform agenda, but is opposed to a few important proposals. Simmons-Oliver is against non-partisan elections, believing they would negatively impact minority representation. She also defends the use of war chests, because it takes much time and effort for candidates to raise money. She supports establishing a municipal poll worker recruitment program, measures to make voter registration easier, and restricting the influence of lobbyists. Beyond reform issues, Simmons-Oliver’s priorities are economic development, public safety and affordable housing. She wants to create jobs by tapping into the expertise of universities to form a plan of action and opposes the police procedure of stop, question and frisk. Citizens Union found that Simmons-Oliver lacked in-depth knowledge on reform issues and specific plans to tackle issues facing the district.
Candidate Questionnaire
Age: N/A
Occupation: Unemployed; Formerly an Art Teacher
Education: F.L.A.G.S. High School
Michael Welch is running as a write-in candidate for City Council because he is troubled by businesses and residents leaving the community. He believes the rent for both is too high, and that the district lacks bookstores and jobs. He is also concerned about crime, and thinks the community could benefit from a greater police presence although he opposes the police procedure of stop, question and frisk. Welch knows little about reform issues but is opposed to candidates having the ability to build campaign war chests. Citizens Union believes Welch is largely unfamiliar with reform and other issues facing the district, and does not have a viable campaign to win office.
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Has not returned questionnaire
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Campaign Finance Filings
Has not returned questionnaire
Candidate could not be schedule for an interview by Citizens Union