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For Immediate Release
Contact: Lauren Mannerberg,
929 553 7702

New York, N.Y. (September 30, 2022) – Citizens Union releases the following statement from Executive Director Betsy Gotbaum after the New York City Districting Commission completed their two day process for drawing maps for New York City’s 51 council districts, which was open to the public:

“We applaud the New York City Districting Commission for successfully completing two open mapping sessions that allowed the public to see how City Council district lines are drawn. This unprecedented level of transparency into the mapping process allowed New Yorkers to see how their comments and testimony are being synthesized and incorporated into the proposed maps. It also clarified specific demographic, legal and community-based reasons behind changes to the lines, and mitigated the potential for influence from outside actors over the process.” 

“We commend Chair Dennis Walcott, the commissioners and staff for their hard work, and encourage them to continue to hold public mapping meetings should another revision be needed.”

Citizens Union has closely monitored every New York City redistricting process since 1989. You can read more about our work on 2022 City Council Redistricting here

If you would like to speak with a Citizens Union representative about the draft redistricting plan, please contact Lauren Mannerberg at

About Citizens Union
For 125 years, Citizens Union has been a force for transparency, accountability and ethics in New York’s City and State governments. A nonpartisan organization, some of our current initiatives include a new agenda for police accountability, monitoring the City Council’s redistricting process and increasing civic engagement. Learn more at

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