(photo from NYS Assembly)

Education: University of Pennsylvania (BA); New York University School of Law (JD)
(photo from facebook.com)
Gregg Lundahl’s Candidate Questionnaire
Age: 54
Occupation: NYC Public School Teacher
Education: University of Colorado (BA); Fordham University (MAT)
Campaign website: http://greggforassembly.com/
Gregg Lundahl, a NYC public school teacher and a United Federation of Teachers (UFT) representative, is seeking the Assembly seat in the 73rd district where he has lived for 14 years. Mr. Lundahl stated that he originally decided to run for Assembly because he, like the UFT, disagreed with Assemblyman Bing’s bill, A10482, which would eliminate the city’s seniority-based rules that govern teacher layoffs and give principals the authority to determine which teachers to lay off. If elected, his top priority would be education, specifically the need for more schools in his districts. Lundahl also stated that he wants to make the school admission process more transparent. Lundahl would also focus on increasing affordable housing, especially for elderly residents of the district. Enhancing the MTA’s service is another concern Lundahl would devote attention to. With regard to reform, Mr. Lundahl supports campaign finance reform and public financing because he believes the current system distorts the field of viable candidates. Mr. Lundahl stated that he feels he can achieve reform in Albany by forming coalitions with other independent thinkers in the legislature and by not voting lock-step with the party on all issues.