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Citizens Union Report on Special Elections In New York City Convincingly Shows Voter Turnout is Greater in Nonpartisan Elections than Partisan Elections

August 2, 2010 - Good Government Group's study reveals turnout is 57 percent higher for City Council nonpartisan special elections than partisan contests for state legislative seats. Report shatters opponents' argument that voter turnout is similar for non partisan and partisan elections. Citizens Union calls on city charter to embrace a top-two election system and begin the process of giving greater voter choice to New Yorkers.

Reform Coalition Offers Blueprint to End Senate Stalemate

June 29, 2009 - A coalition of long-time reform organizations today released the outline of their plan to end the Senate stalemate. Citizens Union, Common Cause/NY, the League of Women Voters, and NYPIRG issued their plea as the state Senate entered its fourth week of gridlock.

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