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Gotham Gazette Launches New Design & Editorial Focus

February 25, 2013 - Releases major investigative report On New York State’s Failure To Provide Oversight on nursing homes’ use of chemical restraints on older New Yorkers. First significant site redesign in 14 years for Citizens Union Foundation’s pioneering watchdog publication.

Good Government Groups React To Announcement Of JCOPE Investigation

September 10, 2012 - New York good government groups comprised of Brennan Center for Justice, Citizens Union of the City of New York, League of Women Voters - New York State, and New York Public Interest Research Group, this afternoon released the following joint statement in response to the New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) announcement that they will be conducting a “substantial basis” investigation.

Citizens Union Announces Candidate Preferences In September Primary Elections

August 30, 2012 - Supports challengers to ethically challenged incumbents Shirley Huntley, Naomi Rivera, William Boyland, Jr., and Carmen Arroyo. Supports Barbara Jaffe for Manhattan surrogate. Issues preference for nine challengers, two incumbents; 19 Senate and 42 Assembly primaries in New York City are uncontested.

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