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Citizens Union and Common Cause Say Charter Review Commission Must Delay Ballot Proposals Due to Rushed Process

June 25, 204 - Yesterday, the New York City Charter Review Commission issued its preliminary report on potential changes to the City's charter. In response, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause New York and Betsy Gotbaum, Executive Director of Citizens Union, issued the following statement about the Commission's process and need to provide greater opportunity for public input

Testimony before the 2024 Charter Revision Commission – Public Safety Hearing

June 20, 2024 - Citizens Union has been studying police accountability and performance in New York City for more than a decade, and many of our recommendations have been implemented. We believe the best way to ensure the safe and democratic application of policing is to strengthen and streamline systems of oversight and accountability, both within the NYPD and among the independent entities that monitor police misconduct. Public safety is dependent on New Yorkers having faith in law enforcement.

Citizens Union urges the City Council not to rush through advice and consent expansion

May 29th, 2024 - Citizens Union submitted a testimony in response to proposed legislation that would amend the City Charter to require the advice and consent of the City Council for 21 commissioner appointments. In the testimony, Citizens Union urges the Council not to rush through this Charter amendment process, and to allow for more time, committee meetings, and public hearings to fully consider the implications of this proposal.

2019 CRC – Response to Preliminary Staff Report

May 2019 - Throughout its history, Citizens Union has supported periodic comprehensive review of the New York City Charter absent a political agenda via the appointment of an independent Charter Revision Commission.

2019 CRC Testimony – Public Advocate

March 18, 2019 - Good evening Chair Benjamin and distinguished members of the New York City Charter Revision Commission. I am Betsy Gotbaum, executive director of Citizens Union and the former New York City Public Advocate from 2002 to 2009. We are happy to see that you are holding a meeting on the Office of Public Advocate, and for giving Citizens Union and I the opportunity to share our recommendations with you.

2019 CRC Testimony – Police Accountability

March 7, 2019 - Good evening Chair Benjamin and distinguished members of the New York City Charter Revision Commission. My name is Rachel Bloom and I am the Director of Public Policy and Programs at Citizens Union. We thank you for holding this meeting on police accountability, and for giving Citizens Union the opportunity to publicly share our recommendations with you.

2018 CRC Testimony – Community Boards

June 19, 2018 - Good afternoon Chair Perales and distinguished members of the New York City Charter Revision Commission. My name is Rachel Bloom and I am the Director of Public Policy and Programs at Citizens Union. We thank you for inviting us here today and giving Citizens Union the opportunity to publicly share our recommendations on community board reforms with you.

2018 CRC Testimony – Campaign Finance

June 14 2018 - Good afternoon Chair Perales and distinguished members of the New York City Charter Revision Commission. My name is Rachel Bloom and I am the Director of Public Policy and Programs at Citizens Union. We thank you for inviting us here today and giving Citizens Union the opportunity to publicly share our recommendations on campaign finance with you.

2018 CRC Testimony – Hearing

May 7, 2018 - Good evening Chair Perales and distinguished members of the New York City Charter Revision Commission. My name is Rachel Bloom and I am the Director of Public Policy and Programs at Citizens Union. We thank you for holding this and other public hearings, and giving Citizens Union the opportunity to publicly share our recommendations with you.

Citizens Union Testimony on Int. 241 – Charter Revision Commission

March 16, 2018 - Good morning Chair Cabrera and members of the Committee on Governmental Operations. My name is Ethan Geringer-Sameth and I am the Public Policy & Program Manager at Citizens Union. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on the Council proposal for Charter Revision Commission

Citizens Union Issues Recommendations On City Charter Revision Proposals On The Ballot November 2nd 2010

October 27, 2010 - Recommendations on ballot questions are part of historic Good Government Group's 100th anniversary voters directory now available online along with candidate questionnaires. Opposes question #1 reducing the term limits of city elected officials to two terms. Supports a "yes" vote on question #2 requiring disclosure of independent campaign expenditures and easing access to the ballot for candidates.

City Charter Revision

The New York City Charter is the framework for how our city is governed, laying the foundation for how our government operates and the roles and responsibilities of our elected officials and city departments. The City Charter has been revised countless times, and is a living document that reflects the form and priorities of our government over time.
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