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For Immediate Release
Contact- Jake Oliver,, 347 361 9983

New York, N.Y. (June 7, 2023) – Citizens Union releases the following statement from Executive Director Betsy Gotbaum in response to the state legislature introducing a bill that would fundamentally alter New York State’s public campaign finance program:

“Citizens Union is deeply disappointed by the state legislature’s attempt to dramatically change New York State’s public campaign finance law. The landmark law passed in 2020 to create a statewide public campaign finance system empowered everyday voters. The changes in this bill hand that power back to the deep-pocketed special interests that have controlled Albany for generations. This anti-democratic bill that sells out small donors to protect incumbents was – not surprisingly – introduced late in session with no public debate.”

“We encourage legislators to stand up for our democracy, leave the existing law intact and vote ‘No’ on this damaging legislation.”

About Citizens Union
For 125 years, Citizens Union has been a force for transparency, accountability and ethics in New York’s City and State governments. A nonpartisan organization, some of our current initiatives include a new agenda for police accountability, monitoring the City Council’s redistricting process and increasing civic engagement. Learn more at

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