Eleanor Randolph has been a journalist since high school when she worked in the summers for her hometown paper in Pensacola, Fla. Since then, she has covered politics, education, the media and the environment for newspapers in Florida, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and New York. She established a media beat for The Washington Post and wrote a weekly column on media affairs. As a reporter for the Post, she also lived in Moscow to cover the breakup of Soviet Union. She wrote a book about this tumultuous period, “Waking the Tempests; Ordinary Life in the New Russia.”
Randolph spent eighteen years as a member of the New York Times Editorial Board where she oversaw city and state political endorsements as part of her coverage of New York and the metropolitan area. Her book, “The Many Lives of Michael Bloomberg” for Simon & Schuster came out in paperback this year. For the last 18 months, Randolph has worked as director of electnyc.org, the website designed by Citizens Union Foundation to help voters maneuver this year’s complex elections in New York City.