For Immediate Release
April 28, 2006 |
Media Contact: Sara Stuart 212.227.0342 ext. 16 917.566.1462
On the Issue of
Elections are supposed to offer voters a choice in their
representation. Unfortunately, the winners of New York
State legislative elections are typically elected in
non competitive elections, but for the times when there
is a rare general election contest for an open seat.
In fact, New York’s state legislature has one of
the highest rates of incumbency in the nation. Over the
past 24 years, only 34 incumbents running in 2,520 general
election contests have lost their seats to challengers.
During the past 34 years, Republicans have controlled
the state Senate and Democrats have controlled the state
Assembly without interruption – the longest time
in the nation for a state to have a divided state legislature.
Under the current system of redistricting, the majority
party leaders of both houses essentially determine how
district lines will be drawn, allowing them to manipulate
district lines to suit their political aims. They essentially
choose their voters and shield themselves from competitive
races well before the voters have a voice in deciding
who represents them.
This three decade old divide
causes partisan gridlock and contributes to an avoidance
addressing important public
policy issues, often times delaying such consideration
either until the last minute or when it is too late. What
results is the lack of a dynamic policy debate on important
issues at election time, reducing election contests to
nothing more than a foregone conclusion based on how the
lines are
drawn. In the end, voters are shortchanged as they find
little reason to vote if their voice makes little difference
the preordained outcome.
In order to ensure more
competitive elections, and a legislature that is more responsive
the diverse needs and concerns
of its constituents, Citizens Union and Citizens Union
Foundation supports bringing political reform to the
way in which congressional
and legislative district lines are drawn through the
establishment of an Independent Redistricting Commission
and adopting
strict redistricting guidelines to ensure fair and competitive
Citizen Union and Citizens
Union Foundation believe that meaningful legislative and
redistricting reform
include these four major principles:
I. The creation
of an independent redistricting commission, much like
the non-partisan entity established in Iowa,
that would shift redistricting power away from those
who stand
to benefit from how lines are drawn, to a body that
would be charged with drawing district lines in a
fair and
sensible manner with the best interests of the public
in mind. This
commission should be composed of registered voters
of the State of New York that operate independently
of the
and political parties and do not or have not held
political or election office with two years of appointment
represent different geographic territories and political
II. The development of a
set of strict and fair guidelines ensuring that districts
lines would:
adhere to the requirements of the federal Voting Rights Act
and the U.S. and New York State Constitution;
promote the fair and effective representation of racial and
language minority groups;
- not be drawn to favor or oppose any political
party, or any incumbent federal or state legislator;
- adopt a stricter standard for population equality
and be composed of contiguous and compact territory;
- keep intact neighborhoods and communities with
established ties of common interest and association,
- and be drawn to encourage competitive districts.
fair and transparent reapportionment process that includes
adequate public hearings, opportunities for public
comment and access to the data and proposed plans.
mechanism for passage that encourages the approval of
the independent redistricting commission’s plan
with minimal alterations by the Legislature and Governor
Citizens Union of the City of New York, a
non-partisan force for good government for more
than 100 years, works to inform and engage New
Yorkers, to ensure local and state government
values its citizens, addresses critical issues,
and operates in a fair, open, and fiscally sound
manner. |